
Transformers Original Animated Series

The Transformers originated in 1982 when the Japanese toy company Takara had a few toylines with transforming robots called Diaclone and Microchange (the latter a subset of another toyline called New Microman).

In 1983 Hasbro decided to import and market these toylines in America under the name The Transformers, and made a deal with Marvel Comics to develop a story for the toyline. Marvel's Jim Shooter and Denny O'Neill developed the treatment and a few characters, but the bulk of the characters were named and developed by Bob Budiansky, who would eventually become the first editor and later on the writer on the Transformers comic book. Bob developed almost all of the first five or six years' worth of characters.

The toyline was launched in early 1984, with the comics starting in May and the cartoon in September. Driven by evolving storylines and distinct characters, The Transformers remains one of the most entertaining animated series.